3D design teacher

We are looking for a specialist with experience
RemotEmployees open a vacancy for a 3D design teacher with experience in creating three-dimensional models for staff training and online academy courses.

Join us

    See the types of courses we need a teacher for:

    • 3D visualization - to work with specialized tools;
    • Interior - discuss the features of three-dimensional interior design for several courses;
    • Personal teacher - learning under the supervision of a mentor.

    Main responsibilities

    The teacher's main task is to explain the peculiarities of working with three-dimensional visualization tools. Training in design tools takes place in the form of theoretical and practical classes under the supervision of an experienced mentor. The specialist must teach how to create unique textures, adjust light and shadows, and work with various 3D modeling programs.

    What kind of teachers are we looking for?

    • Remote - teach to work with specialized graphics on a remote basis;
    • Group - give classes for up to 15 people per lesson;
    • Professional - learning high-level design skills.

    Learn the skills you need

    An expert must have a specific set of skills. The most important is the ability to work with various 3D graphics editors, such as Autodesk 3ds Max or Autodesk Maya. The following is an understanding of working with light, knowledge of artistic styles, and the basics of composition. Creativity, attentiveness, artistic taste, and a sense of style positively affect working with students.

    View vacancy:

    • Leader of courses on work in 3D editors;
    • mentor for junior designers;
    • a specialist with extensive experience in three-dimensional editing graphics.
    RemotEmployees has a job for specialists in visualization! Hurry up to record a video interview and get a job!

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